“Do it yourself” by Owe Ommer – Very original and very Erotic

Do It Yourself by Uwe OmmarThe new book of Owe Ommer – “Do it yourself” with his photographs for sure is very unique, very erotic, very sensual…how can’t be when you will find tons beautiful women without or with very little clothes on them! The book actually is not very new because is published in 2007, it was new for us, because we just saw it and also will be new for you if you haven’t see the book. The photo collection in this book is not really made by Owe Ommer, actually there isn’t even a single photoshoot by Ommer! Probably you are now confused. The whole idea for this project is all models to make erotic self-portraits. Giving them all equipment they need and teaching them to basic technical instructions, Ommer asked them to photograph themselves in any pose and anyway they like! While many models required no intervention by Ommer, for others he was helping them with the lighting and setup. The result is FANTASTIC!

Here are some photos if you like them you should buy his book. The book “Do It Yourself” is priceless but you can have it for $20 – $25 from Amazon! Enjoy!

erotic photos uwe ommer
erotic photos uwe ommer
erotic photos uwe ommer

Erotic photos from Do it Yourself by Uwe Ommer
erotic photos uwe ommer
erotic photos uwe ommer

erotic photos uwe ommer
erotic photos uwe ommer
erotic photos uwe ommer

Do It Yourself - Collection of Erotic photos by Uwe Ommer buy it from amazon.com

erotic photos uwe ommer
erotic photos uwe ommer
erotic photos uwe ommer

erotic photos uwe ommer
erotic photos uwe ommer
erotic photos uwe ommer

erotic photos uwe ommer
erotic photos uwe ommer
erotic photos uwe ommer