Category Archives: Fun

The world famous wisdom of Socrates and his Triple Filter Test!

Socrates Test of ThreeSocrates was an ancient philosopher and he was considered as a very wise man, a man beyond his time. He is well know as a teacher of the Alexander the Great, the king of Macedonia. He developed many principles and one of them was his Test of Three or Triple Filter Test! One day a man approach to

If life gives you lemons make lemonade

Men riding water scooter and jet ski in the cityWe all know this say “If life gives you lemons make lemonade” but only few people know the meaning or can live their life like that. Here on these photos below you can see exactly the meaning of this say! After a big rain storm, some parts in one city in Russia were under the water, the citizens were cursing the day, but not

World’s Dumbest Criminals

Inglourious BasterdsIf all criminals are like these than we are safe from the crime! We make selection of the most funny, dumbest criminals. They are funnier than the most comedians bothering us on TV. Even if you already have seen some of these videos you will find it funny and watching it by second, third…time! Enjoy!

Monkey business (Video)

A cheeky funny monkey playing with tigersA silly monkey is enjoying too much in very deadly game. It’s very brave, very dangerous and very, very FUNNY! This cheeky monkey is driving crazy few tigers in the jungle. He is in the air, everywhere…hahahaha. Like the super hero “Flash” gibing them in any way he please! Very funny video!