Felix Baumgartner and RedBull Stratos – Mission Success!

Felix Baumgartner showing his tattoo - born to flyOn Sunday, October 14, 2012 Felix Baumgartner made his free-fall from the edge of space debut. More than 8 million people watched Felix as he fell to his feet from 24 miles up.
Baumgartner’s supersonic record-breaking jump has become the largest live-streamed event to date. His

Felix Baumgartner attempting record-breaking freefall from space!

Felix Baumgartner discusses details for the Red Bull Stratos missionFelix Baumgartner in his mission called “Red Bull Stratos” is standing in front of the biggest challenge that any professional skydiver have faced before!
After Felix Baumgartner completed the second successful test jump from 96,640 feet (29,460 m) above the Earth on 25 July 2012, the time has come

The City of Melbourne, Australia is the most livable city in the world!

The City of Melbourne, AustraliaThe citizens of Melbourne, Australia have one reason more to be satisfied living in Melbourne. The latest rating of The Economist Intelligence Unit (later in text as EIU), in their regular rating of the major cities in the world for the most livable have listed Melbourne on the first place for 2012. In top 10 most livable cities in the

Devoted father competes In Triathlons carrying his daughter

Rick van Beek and his daughter Maddy“She is my heart and I am her legs,” says one devoted father Rick van Beek, from Byron Center, MI. Participating in more than 70 outdoor events including, but certainly not limited to, triathlons and half-marathons; ‘Team Maddy’ pushes through. Madison, or ‘Maddy’ as her family calls her, was diagnosed with

Polish athlete selling her Olympian medal to help a child

Zofia Noceti-Klepacka and 5 years old ZuziaThe dream of every Olympian athlete is at least ones in their career to win an Olympian medal. For the Polish athlete Zofia Noceti-Klepacka, the dream is to sell her just won medal and to save the life of her biggest fan, the 5 years-old Zuzia. with those money!
Zofia Noceti-Klepacka, a Polish bronze medalist that

Angsana Velavaru Resort – The adorable miniature “Turttle Island”

Turttle IslandAngsana Resort & Spa Maldives Velavaru is definitely a summer destination for a life time of memories! This very small, adorable island called Velavaru (which means “Turtle Island” in Dhivehi, the national language of Maldives) is surrounded with sand beaches, beautiful turquoise-blue water where the sky connects

Entertaining news, extraordinaries stories, covered with a lot of photos and videos!