Category Archives: News

Felix Baumgartner and RedBull Stratos – Mission Success!

Felix Baumgartner showing his tattoo - born to flyOn Sunday, October 14, 2012 Felix Baumgartner made his free-fall from the edge of space debut. More than 8 million people watched Felix as he fell to his feet from 24 miles up.
Baumgartner’s supersonic record-breaking jump has become the largest live-streamed event to date. His

Felix Baumgartner attempting record-breaking freefall from space!

Felix Baumgartner discusses details for the Red Bull Stratos missionFelix Baumgartner in his mission called “Red Bull Stratos” is standing in front of the biggest challenge that any professional skydiver have faced before!
After Felix Baumgartner completed the second successful test jump from 96,640 feet (29,460 m) above the Earth on 25 July 2012, the time has come

Chief surgeon Dr. Donald Liu dies after saving two boys drowning

 Dr. Donald Liu, chief of pediatric surgery at the University of ChicagoA short report by WC News of a life well lived and lost by sacrificing a life to save children; Dr. Donald Liu, chief surgeon at Comer Children’s Hospital at the University of Chicago Medicine, died while rescuing two children that were drowning in Lake Michigan.
Last Sunday, 50 year old Dr. Donald Liu lost his life

Felix Baumgartner ready to Break Sound Barrier skydiving!

Felix Baumgartner picturesFelix Baumgartner is 43 old Austrian skydiver and a BASE jumper with over 2500 jumps from planes, helicopters but also from skyscrapers and similar tall structures. He have the world record for the highest parachute jump, when he jumped from the PETRONAS Towers in Malaysia and also he claimed

Two police officers sexually abused at a bachelorette party

Drunken ladies at a bachelorette partyA large group of Australian women were celebrating a bachelorette party; however, the alcohol really outdid itself at this party and leads it to go beyond and of the girls’ wildest expectations. The girls that were present at the bachelorette party, report that everything started normal, but at the end, due to the large consumption of

The residents of Fucking – sick and tired of fooling around

Fucking street signThe residents of the small county in Austria, called (believe it or not) Fucking are sick and tired of being fooled around on account of the name of their village. Namely, the residents of Fucking have been constantly fooled around on the phone on account of the name of their nice and peaceful village. Namely, the jokers