Anna Kournikova in a night club fight

Anna Kournikova in a night club fightCuts and bruises are the result of the short but very intense bar fight between Anna Kournikova and the local girl. The night clubs fight in which Anna Kournikova left with a bruises and cuts happened in the Lavo Nightclub in Las Vegas.
The other girl in the fight later commented that she cannot stand Anna Kournikova because the famous tennis player vas very loud and she were forcing anybody attention on her.
The Lavo Nightclub security separated the girls but only after they had a good fun. One of the guards for WC-NEWS gives the following comment: We usually do not have bar fights like this night. We are respected nightclub and a respected people are coming here. We did not expected that Anna Kournikova will cause a bar fight.
The Lavo manager was not in the mood for any comments.

For WC News from Las Vegas,
Emily Fresco

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