By 2030 the Earth will be cloudless!?

CloudlessAccording to the World Weather Organization which is member body of United Nations, by 2030 we can live on the planet without clouds?! The reason is a global warming which is a major planetary issue. Our Sun is going in the period of the stronger solar activities and this is the reason for the faster cloud dissolving.
Serge Dallin, the head of the Meteorology department in W.W.O. and senior meteorologist had the following comment on this problem: Basically nobody care about this growing problem. “This is the most serious problem since the Siberian explosion also known as Tunguska (explosion).”
Tunguska Explosion
Artistic illustration Tunguska explosion
“We are facing a major change in the climate around the whole world. The politicians are looking 2-4 years ahead and are trying to make more money during their mandate. Nobody care what will happen in the next 15 or 30 years from now. This also can be a major reason for the changing of the human population. We will have changes to our appearance. The people with the stronger skin will survive and the rest of the population will face a skin problems. The reason for these changes will be the stronger solar radiation and constant exposure to the sun beams. In the countries like Canada and Germany there are no more than 2000 solar hours annually. Imagine the people in these countries after 20 years with 4000 solar hours per year? People which now are living more to the south will have fewer problems. We need to develop a plan for facing this major change.”– said Serge Dallin.
We also contacted NOW (National Weather Organization), but nobody was available for official statement. Unofficially we got the same concerns.

From Ottawa, Canada for WC News,
Ryan Smith