If life gives you lemons make lemonade

Men riding water scooter and jet ski in the cityWe all know this say “If life gives you lemons make lemonade” but only few people know the meaning or can live their life like that. Here on these photos below you can see exactly the meaning of this say! After a big rain storm, some parts in one city in Russia were under the water, the citizens were cursing the day, but not these guys! They took advantage of the whole situation! They are riding water scooter and jet ski on the city’s streets! Could you make better lemonade from those lemons?

Water scooter and jet ski
Scooter and jet ski
Keira Knightley in Coco Mademoiselle commercial
Men riding scooter and jet ski in the city
Men on the scooter on the streets
Scooter and jet ski
Man riding scooter on the street

For WC News from Moscow,
Igor Rostotsky