Microsoft goes in the kitchen

Microsoft new line - Everything from your kitchenThere are photos of the new line of Microsoft products. It is not some new software, game or IT appliance, but simple toaster. One of the toasters had a Dynamics logo but it is burning the Microsoft logo on the bread. The commentators already have understanding for this due to the well known typical Microsoft branding messes.
There is no information about the compatibility of the toaster with other non Microsoft products in the kitchen. Also there is no information about any USB port on the toaster.

Microsoft toaster
Microsoft Genuine bread

The toast is coming with preinstalled bread and if the users use other bread than Microsoft bread the burns on the non branded bread are more severe.
If you buy this toaster you will need annual fee license for using.
Typical problems with this toaster are:

  • The toaster do not turn on properly,
  • Bread does not pop up and you will need to turn off and turn on the toaster again.
  • From time to time you can loose some bread during the use of the toaster.
  • This toasters are 500% more expensive compared to other toasters on the market.

For WC News from New York,
Rachel Dickinson