“New” mobile phone from Samsung and Giorgio Armani

Giorgio ArmaniGiorgio Armani and Samsung with united forces have presented a new mobile phone. This is third in line smartphone that came from the cooperation between Armani and Samsung. This time and Microsoft was included in the making of the new Samsung phone labeled as Samsung B7620 Giorgio Armani. The famous Italian fashion designer was in charge of making the new design, from Samsung came all the hardware used in this phone and Microsoft have participated with their new Windows Mobile 6.5.

We can’t even imagine what would look like if Microsoft was in charge for the design, Samsung for the software, and Armani for the hardware.
Armani and Samsung
Giorgio Armani and Samsung mobile phone
However, when three brand names are included in making anything we should expect something spectacular! Well, beside the gold design (which we are not going to comment, we’ll leave to you to decide if you like it or not) nothing new, nothing spectacular, nothing we have already seen! Actually, this new phone from Samsung looks like a twin brother of Samsung B7610.
Samsung B7610 and Georgio Armani Smartphone
We like to make everything clear. We are not saying that this phone is bad but we can’t talk about this smartphone like something new in the market. It is a Giorgio Armani redesign of Samsung B7610. At the end, a high-street fashion label phones are more about boasting and less about everything else. As expected only the price is completely new and will be around 700 Euros ($1000).