Angry wife, who caught her husband cheating on her with a barely 17 year-old babysitter in his new Porsche, have decided to take a revenge and to hit him to the place that she thought will hurt him the most!
The spurned woman, from Solihull, England, put the Porsche on internet for only 2000 pounds ($3800) although the real price of that Porsche is 80 000 pounds, with furious note: ”Last week, I caught my husband having it off with our babysitter in our Porsche (actually, MY Porsche as I bloody paid for it). So I’m selling his beloved car. See how the ***** likes that!”
The unnamed English woman came back early at home to find out her children asleep. Then she heard some noise in the garage and she went to check it, when she found her naked husband with the babysitter in the Porsche having a time of his life.
“I thought it was a rat. It was a blooming rat all right – my husband with our babysitter. She’s barely 17! I treated her like my own daughter.” – said the angry woman.
“He told me it didn’t mean anything. It sounds crazy but I would have preferred it if it had meant something. Why risk 15 years of marriage for anything less?” – She added.